Monday, July 26, 2010

How it all works out (amazingly!)

I started today wrestling with emulsion fluid. I am learning the ways of the printmaking machine. Successful-one boy on a screen. I learned that after about 30 runs of printing, the screen needs to be cleaned thoroughly and a new 'kid' can be applied :D . (any by the way, 'art' being our third child is becoming less and less of a joke! printmaking has many parts of it's 'becoming' that involve sitting next to a machine or screen and having to 'go!' at just the right moment...breastfeeding mothers, can i hear an amen!?). Having this 30 runs in my head, the kids and I jump over to the fabric store to purchase material as I've exhausted all of my free fabric resourses...and learned that it takes a certain fabric to do this job right. I just took what was available...down to a remnant piece that I got to purchase at a discount (crafters, you know how we like a good discount!)...guess what? Another miracle! exactly 30 rectangles of fabric is what I got from the amount they had available at the store! God really does know just what this project needs...again! So, for now, it's off to watch a great lightening storm with the kiddos and wake up to print 30 little boy dolls tomorrow! I am priviledged to be a part of this project...I can't wait to see what happens. p.s. I now have the coloring book in it's roughest form :D it's beginning!!! several drawings to fit an 8.5x11" book for kids to color while they're waiting for who knows what...maybe a blood draw...maybe a transfusion...maybe another mri in a series of many...the parents need something to color while this is going on as well...and for that matter the brothers and sisters...or the caregivers on a coffee break! hope it encourages lots of people.

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