as i begin this journey of embroidery/creweling work on the next series of hospital art...i am reminded of how it slows me down. each stitch brings me to a time when all the other things were stripped away--electronics, machine noise, etc. this hearkens back to days of bed rest when my body had been only weeks out of surgery. the pace of life changes and we are urged to look at one moment at a time. my friend dave says he likes the small, intimate moments in nature and that's why some of his nature-inspired pictures look like small abstract paintings rather than sweeping landscapes. these crewel work pieces are bringing that to mind...quiet moments observing aspects of creation...these works will be very organic. hopefully they will remind patients, their families, caregivers and loved ones to take the slow quiet moments and listen for what can happen during those times. in this sense, as i work with two ply appleton creweling wool, a needle and a piece of linen, i am reminded to pay attention to the details. then, when those moments of meditation pass, the larger picture can be looked upon as being made of a thousand small moments...which is what a contemplative life should be about...realizing that each moments counts for something which makes up a whole lifetime. i am a different person today because i have been given the opportunity to slow down--be it resting a knee after surgery or having to lay flat with abdominal stitches--and i can take those moments to reflect on the goodness around me. this is the life i am given. i hope that when the pace quickens, the part of me which is full of all those meditative moments, can apply what i've learned to every situation that comes around. i've posted pictures on my facebook if you'd like to see the progress and will post here very soon. thanks for taking time to slow down and read my thoughts. hopefully they have encouraged you somehow...
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