What a wonderful morning at Yakima Foursquare Church! I will be posting the video created by Matt and the video crew, who captured the essence of what hope+healing is all about...wow. I am so thankful for you guys! If any of you YFC folks would like to talk about the current exhibition, please contact me using the number or email on the information sheet. Thank you to all of you for making this morning a beautiful experience, for sharing your stories with me and contributing to our pay off the medical bills fund. Ahhhh...what a blessing! Please let me know how viewing the art affected you personally...I love the stories about what and how God speaks to you all through the art. (Any posts can be sent to: Mary Portteus, P.O. Box 1356, Zillah, Wa. 98953)Through the opening of this exhibition, I hope for doors to open to Yakima hospitals in the coming months. I am still healing from some after effects of the last surgery...so I'm giving that some time to work itself out and then we're ready to hang a hospital exhibition and create more dolls to give to pediatric patients. If any of you are interested in sponsering a "marymakesart for hope+healing" home show, I would love to hear from you and plan for the holiday season. I will post more regarding that soon!